It is OUR Future we are talking about...
What are Joy Farmers?
The Joy Farmers are visionaries who compare what humans need to grow internal joy to what a farm needs to grow any useful crop. Using this analogy, they are able talk about thoughts, feelings, and physical needs in a way that includes everyone; but initiates individual awareness of self through engagement.
How is Joy Farming Done?
Through a traveling, interactive presentation for young people who are old enough to have the capability of understanding self-awareness. The presentation is flexible and dependent on age and ability level. WE COME TO WHERE WE ARE SCHEDULED FOR PRESENTATION. Time needed is approximately one hour. There are no computers, no links, no worksheets , no books, and no pressure. Best of all, it is FREE for the youth and anyone else to attend.
This holistic, proactive presentation promotes self-awareness, ability, and value. We take something very personal and approach it in a non-personal way , like planting, nurturing, and growing some useful crops on any farm.
This presentation is an imaginative, in-person, interactive experience.
HOW is it IMAGINATIVE? The analogy for comparing conventional farm actions to inner farm actions takes some imagination.
WHY in IN-PERSON? To support all three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
HOW is it INTERACTIVE? The information presented is brought to life through props, movement, and music. This interactive presentation is the first step of the self-awareness skill brought to life!!
*If willing, participants will walk away with a tangible, written seed of affirmations that they themselves created during the presentation. That visual may be the seed they need to begin cultivating a life-long skill; growing personal joy through self-awareness.
** Does not discriminate or promote interests based on individual religion, gender, race, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical ability, or socioeconomic status.
Why Are The Joy Farmers Needed?
* We support the undeveloped self-esteem of the youth.
*We initiate meaningful self-awareness.
*We help build resiliency and inner strength.
*We focus on the value of self-dependence.
*We provide reasons for hope.
Our Mission:
The Joy Farmer's mission is to engage the youth to create steps with value and purpose for growing their self-awareness.
The Vision:
Our vision is to help create a future where people are self-aware and know they have the ability to grow more joy intrinsically.
What if we save the youth some trouble of looking on the outside for something that grows from within?
Where is Our Future Headed?
No one really knows, but what we do or don't do today creates our future. What if this is something that plants a seed for self awareness today that promotes more inner joy growth for a better tomorrow?
WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? When people feel better about themselves they do less harm to themselves, others, and the planet. We all benefit from that!
YOU are a part of our future!!! YOU CAN help!
Please, help us get the word out. Or, schedule a presentation.
If your expertise is what you can offer, we take suggestions, critiques, and feedback thankfully!
Or, if you are just able to donate- please help! Your donations help us reach more youth by covering time needed, travel expenses, and supplies.
We grow by time and donations ONLY!